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Sustainability is an integral consideration in all our projects. The following principles are applied to the design process:
- Consider siting and orientation to maximise solar gain and to provide natural shelter from the elements taking into account microclimate and ecological factors.
- Where possible avoid over specific buildings which limit life time flexibility.
Design for simplicity of operation, allowing building users to understand and have greater control over their environment.
- Design for long life, as buildings are often around longer than we are.
- Embrace new technology and best practice with clear environmental benefits.
- Evaluate environmental impact of the building on its surroundings.
- Maximise access to daylight and natural ventilation.
- Maximise energy efficiency.
- Minimise water consumption.
- Minimise noise and light pollution from the building and potential impact on building users.
- Avoid specification of known hazardous materials.
- Consider maintenance and how easily elements can be replaced or upgraded over the building’s life.
- Avoid specification of large and heavy components where possible.
- Research materials and components which use the least energy in their production.
- Make use of recyclable materials wherever possible.
- Specify materials and components with low environmental impact in their production, use and disposal.
- Specify timber only from certified sustainable sources.
- Adopt thermal and acoustic insulation standards that meet or exceed the Building Regulations.
Energy Efficiency features exhibited in our buildings:
- Good thermal insulation, often exceeding current regulations.
- Good floor area to external envelope ratio.
- Use of thermal mass.
- Extensive use of natural light.
- Solar shading to cut out unwanted heat gain in summer but allowing positive solar gain in the winter.
- Use of Ground Source (GSHP) and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP).
- Use of solar panel technology to heat hot water.
- Use of photo-voltaic technology to generate electricity.
- The use of specialist glasses to reduce glare, solar gain and improve thermal resistance.
- Intelligent controls to monitor and adjust systems for optimum energy efficiency.
- Personal control over the internal environment to allow for individual comfort conditions, which will limit end user wastage.
- Rainwater harvesting.
Offices procedures:
In addition to designing sustainable and energy efficient buildings we operate our own environmental policy within the office including:
- Avoidance of printing by submitting planning applications online
- Re-cycling of waste paper, cardboard and plastics
- Energy efficient building with good insulation values
- Encourage Walking, Cycling and use of public transport to work
- Use trains instead of cars to site and other meetings where practical
- Good housekeeping including turning off lights and keeping doors closed in winter, etc.